Institute of Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries (AKUATROP)
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)
Towards globalization and establishing mutual collaboration in Research Development and Innovation, this website presents AKUATROP academician research profiles as a reference to all for future networking and collaboration.
AKUATROP is a recognized research institute in the field of AQUACULTURE and FISHERIES by Malaysia’s Ministry of Higher Education. With crustacean aquaculture as its primary research focus, AKUATROP is striving towards a specialized research niche area –‘Future Food’ – with the theme ‘Sustainable Shellfish Aquaculture’ that is supported by four main thrusts:
i. Shellfish Resources Sustainability
ii. Shellfish Breeding Technology
iii. Shellfish Green Technology
iv. Shellfish Health and Food Quality
The ultimate goal of AKUATROP – to work towards FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABILITY – is in line with Malaysia’s NATIONAL goal towards Food Security and United Nation Sustainable Development Goal –Life Below Water (G-14).
As a research-focused institute, AKUATROP provides MSc. and Ph.D. programmes in the field of aquaculture and fisheries. Short courses related to current aquaculture and fishery topics are also available. In addition, with its established laboratories and hatchery facilities, AKUATROP offers local and international internship training programs and attachment courses for students, researchers, industrial personnel, and communities.
With its strong networking linkages, AKUATROP has established strong collaboration networks not only within South East Asia but also in the Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe, America, and Canada as well as Latin America.
In AKUATROP, we believed that all of us are playing essential roles in establishing a sustainable framework that could ensure food security while preserving our nature heritages and resources for a better future.
“Discovering knowledge for the benefit of all”